• Are you cyber-secure?

  • Around 90% of Canadian companies have been successfully compromised at least once in 2022

    CyberEdge 2022 Cyberthreat Defense Report, Imperva*

  • The average total cost of a data breach for Canadian companies was USD$5.6 million in 2022

    Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022, IBM Security***

In the modern digital world, businesses cannot afford to ignore cybersecurity. Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and the cost of a compromise can be fatal to a business

  • * https://www.imperva.com/resources/resource-library/reports/cyberedge-2022-cdr-report/

    ** https://www.inc.com/joe-galvin/60-percent-of-small-businesses-fold-within-6-months-of-a-cyber-attack-heres-how-to-protect-yourself.html

    *** https://www.ibm.com/reports/data-breach

Let us help with your technology and cybersecurity

  • We take the headache out of managing your technology, while protecting you from hackers.

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  • We provide a range services to help protect your technology and data, including cybersecurity assessment, and incident response planning.

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  • Just started your business, or looking to upgrade your business technology? We work with you to plan, design, and implement your IT

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  • We know technology can be overwhelming, and now cybersecurity adds more to the complexity. We can train you and your employees how to use the technology and how best to keep secure.

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